Friday 18 December 2009

Main Idea.

Our chosen idea was 'Idea 4'

Lynn Hartley - Young, brown hair, medium length, hates her job, divorced, drinks alot, is new to teaching and doesn't know how to control the students.

Nicholos JT Abdul - Tall, dark, rugged, muscly, nice, charming, can have any girl he wants, very popular and is always surrounded by friends.

Mick Lancaster - Secretly gay, tall, skinny, pale, well dressed, mysterious. He is in love with Nicholos but know one knows.

Jennifer Harte - Brunette, attractive, clever, insecure. She is Nicholos' girlfriend.

Martin McFly - Fat, stumpy, stupid, loves football and girls. Is lost without Nicholos and his other friends. He follows the crowd.

Eden Cook - His short and fat and lookd like Martin. Also bestfriends with Nicholos. Fights for his attention. Has a big mouth and thinks his better then everyone elses.

Casy Lube - Nerd, quite, clever, looks like a girl, not taken seriously, wears geeky clothes and glasses, gets bullied by the class because of Nicholos.

Corey Long - Big hair and big glasses, he also looks like a girl and is never noticed. He is Casey's best friend, they are always together. He enjoys maths and solving problems.

Dean Lebean - Emo, quite, never noticed, dark and mysterious, odd, loves emo rock music. Enjoys reading about black magic.

Amy Cozens - Long blonde hair, abit of a bimbo, eye candy, stupid and dopey.

Francis Jones - Ginger, freckles, loud, idiot, loves pulling pranks with his friends.

Shelly Took - Blonde, beautiful, not as stupid as people make her out to be, Her dad is in the Army. She follows Amy around. Enjoys shopping and boys.

Luke Harris - Tall, skinny, idiot, thinks his funny by always taking the piss out of people. Thinks his amazing. Follows everyone around.

Charles Dimond - Inspector, tall, charming, good looking, good at solving problems. His married with 2 children. Loves hi job and playing golf.

Will Scarlight - Charles' sidekick, the complete opposite to Charles. He is short and fat and doesn't know what his talking about. He likes women and beer.

Main Idea in full;
Its a typical Monday morning at college for a normal bunch off students. They are waiting to go into there class but they all start arguing as they don't really get on.

The teacher Lynn Hartley turns up and she is not in the best off moods because her husband has left her. She breaks up all the fights that is going on and tells the kids to go inside the class. The decides to put a film on for the kids as she is not in the mood. The students are still not happy with each other. While the movie is being played there is a murder in the class and it is one off the most popular kids in the class Nicholas Jt Abdul. The scene end in all the class shocked and scared and a big police line going across the room.

The police are called into investigate it is young rookie Will Scarlight and his role model Charles Diamond. They take statements from all the kids and let them go home. The students are all devastated but start to head home. Two off the students are class bullies Casey Lube and Corey Long. They start talking about all the time they were bullied by Nicholas. They say there goodbyes and when Casey is walking down the road a shadow moves in the corner and we get the feeling that there is going to be another victim. The suspense is starting to build up for Casey as he keeps hearing things behind him but when he shouts out nobody is there. he carries on walking then suddenly when he turns round he says its you and then a knife comes out and stabs he though neck. The screen goes black and then it is the next day.

The next day starts with the two police officers trying to sort though all the statements and trying to discuss who is telling the truth and who is lying. Then a call comes in about a new murder in the town and it is one off the students in the class they set off to investigate. Mean while back at the college the kids are back trying to forget about the horrors off yesterday. But it all gets too much for one off the students Amy Cozens and she decides to go to the toilet. While she is in the toilet she gets her phone out and is about to call somebody till the door off the toilets creaks open it stops her in her tracks and she is waiting for this person to leave. But while she looks though her phone a knife is dropped from above her and goes though her head. Meanwhile Caseys body has been taken back to the station and the two officers headback to the college to ask more questions. They also have there first clue Nicks phone and it has texts from lynn. They were having an affair behind there partners backs.

Amys body has been discovered by one off the teachers and lynn decides too call a class meeting with her students. They all get there feeling nervous as they have found out two more kids have died. In the meeting the class starts agruging and accusing each other off the murders. The main one is luke harris who is winding everyone up and is trying to get someone to get angry and it works and one off nicholas best mates Martin Mcfly tries to punch him but eden cook stops him. Lynn makes the students walk home in twos and she tells them to keep in contact with her. When the students leave they aren't happy but agree.

When lynn starts lighting up a cigarette and then two shadows pop -up behind and she is about to tell them to go home then she is stopped when she is stabbed and is left.
This shows that there is two killers. The police turn up to arrest but they now find her dead. They need to find the students as they are in danger. On the way home all the students get a text from "lynn" to meet at the woods near the college.

They all seem non the wiser to what is going to happen. But Corey is very wary and decides to walk off when he sees the woods to try and find the coppers but luke carries on cocky as ever calling corey a loser for walking off. As he carries on into the woods he treads on a pile off leaf and falls into a bunch of spikes and he is left to bleed to death.

In the other part off the woods Mick Lancaster and Shelly Took enter the woods. They start to head towards the shed were they all used to hang out in. While they are talking Shelly trips over. When mick goes to help her up she wacks him in the face with a log.

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