Thursday 17 December 2009

Questionnaire Results.

Most of the people we asked were aged from 15-17. So the results are mostly coming from a teenagers view. The most popular setting was 'a house' and the second was 'in the woods' A lot of the people we asked mainly expected to see blood and gore in films, they were the highest to come in with the questionnaire. People also wanted to see chase films, because a horror film is not a horror film with out adrenaline.
A lot of the people we asked to fill the questionnaire said they only watched 0-3 horror films in the past month, which is showing that people haven't really been intrested. When we asked what peoples favorite horror film was the film that came up the most were the Saw films and Evil Dead came second. Halloween, The Ring and Friday the 13th came in at joint 3rd.

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