Friday 18 December 2009


Idea 1;
Business type guy, late 20s gets home after a months business trip abroad and comes back to an empty, cold, dark, desolate house (so cold he can see his own breath). Noises start to emanate from the kitchen and so he walks in (lights aren't working in kitchen) and he can see its been trashed and food from the fridge is all over the floor. He ventures up stairs to find his room light on with the television on and the shower is running. He then hears a noise coming from the landing so he runs out and looks into one of the spare rooms. Then its a close up of half his face and the landing and the stairs. The camera angle then changes to the persons point of view coming up the stairs, so the camera is wobbley to imitate movement whilst walking up the stairs and walks up behind him and wackes his round the head, but just that instant the screen goes blank and credits start. The we cut to a flash back of him leaving his house where its all warm, cosy and lit up well (complete contrast to the house at the start, but still the same house). He is leaving the house for his sister to take care of. After he leaves she locks the door and walks up stairs and turns the television on and turns the shower on. thirst getting ready she hears broken glass at the front door. Panicking, she runs into one of the spare rooms and waits till what ever it is comes up the stairs. When the thing is not on the landing she runs up to the bedroom on the top floor (convention of a horror where they run up the stairs instead of down) when the person is in one of the other rooms she manages to creep down stairs and grab a weapon to hit the thing with. She then makes her way up the stairs with it and wake the person with it and the screen goes blank once again.

Idea 2;
A boy and a girl are having an argument in a park, and the girl ends up dumping the boy. He is upset and walks off though the park and into the woods.
When he is walking he walks past some odd looking old people sitting on a bench, they are all staring at him.
Then he treads on a news paper, with the words 'INMATES ESCAPE FROM ASYLUM STAY INDOORS'
Then he walks back to the way he came to see if his ex-girlfriend is okay. Then he hears he her scream. He starts running. He runs past the bench and the people have gone. As he s running he can hear his ex-girlfriend screaming and crying, and he can hear people laughing. When he gets to her she is dead on the floor, she has been cut up. As he bends down to her he is hit over the head with a baseball bat. He then awakes in a dark room tied to a chair.

Idea 3;
Bomb hits a village in war using nuclear bombs. The radiation turns most the villagers into zombies with gas masks. They get their revenge by killing survive rs from the village by sucking their blood in true zombie style and taking their souls from their body.

Idea 4;
It starts off as an average school day, students are outside the classroom waiting to go in. They are making a lot of noise and are arguing. The teacher (Lynn Hartley) arrives to class on time at 9am. In the first shot we see all the students walking into the class room and sitting down at their desks. The teacher says they're going to watch a 10min film on the projector. The lights go out. Once the lights have been put back on, one of the characters (Nicholas JT Abdul) has been murdered by being stabbed in the next and is lying in blood on the table at the back of the class. The whole classis in shock and are being questioned by police, there is no trust among the class mates as it could of been any one of them, but then the students start dying and there are only a few students left. The story is revealled when they all get a text message from their teacher (who has been killed at this point but has not yet been found) telling them to meet up in a shed to talk about whats going on and all the weird murders that are happening at school. Then the murders are revealed to be Dean Lebean and Shelly Took after some more students have been killed.

We have chosen our 4th idea :)

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